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Welcome back to my fifteenth diary entry for Time to Make a Game! Over the past two weeks I have been busy finalising all aspects of my game to ensure that it is ready for submission on the 4th of January 2016.

Over the past two weeks I have been busy finalising documentation and attempting to fix any remaining issues that still persist within the game. These issues at this stage are mainly in regards to performance and a few bugs. During the week I have fixed a few art assets that needed more polish and ensuring that all art assets are completely finalized.

Bug fixes were also another task that needed to be completed as some of these issues were causing performance issues and also unnecessary player death. Due to the complexity of these bugs, they were well beyond my programming level of knowledge and as a result, I was unsuccessful in fixing the majority of these bugs. However, I was able to fix a few issues that were occurring when trying to build for the web player as the player’s character was missing its sprite. Another issue that I solved was in relation to the character not collecting gems correctly as the player would miss the gem if it was not collected in the right position. To solve this issue I had to make adjustments to the colliders on both objects and tweak some of the code to use a better method of collecting.

The final issue that I had fixed during the past two weeks was the main menu UI as the method used to navigate between the different panels was causing overlapping issues. This was fixed by tweaking the code to include a method that is controlled by bools and if statements.

Along with finalizing the game, I had also finalized all of the documentation that was needed for submission.

With all aspects of the game and its documentation completed, I am now able to submit all aspects of the project that are needed for the final submission.

If you have any feedback or questions regarding Don't Collide please don't hesitate to comment below or send me an email.

Until Next Time,


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